Thursday 14 May 2009

Daring Cooks: Ricotta Gnocchi

Zuni Ricotta Gnocchi!

The inaugural May 2009 Daring Cooks' Challenge was brought to us by Ivonne of Creampuffs in Venice and Lis of La Mia Cucina. I admit at first read I didn't think this recipe would be so interesting.. I'd made gnocchi before and usually find the overly starchy balls of potato well just not so interesting. This view held out for me until I popped the first 'test' gnocchi in my mouth. It was a pillow of heaven that landed on my tongue.

Eagerly I declared to my fiance that he was about to have some of the most delicious dinner yet! The trick seems to be 2 days of draining and paper towel changing on the ricotta to try and get it as dry as possible- then add a couple fresh eggs and a smidgen of Parmesan and ever so lightly roll little gnocchi-lets in flour. I had a bit of trouble with sticking. After I rolled them all out and placed on floured silicone mat they were a bit hard to remove intact! but I persevered and served them with a lovely fresh sage burned butter sauce!

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Anonymous said...

Your gnocchi look delicious!

TeaLady said...

Those look good. I made them, but wasn't sure I had done them right, but I guess I did. I sorta liked them, but will try them again. Yours do look delicious.